Cannabis, Vitamins And The Connection Between Them


Vitamins are various organic substances with potent biological activity. Vitamins are vital to the human body. Without vitamins, the regular metabolic rate in the human body goes off balance. Vitamins consist of part hormones and part enzymes. Without vitamins, the chemical processes in the body cannot exist. Specific cases of vitamins’ deficiency can cause various diseases, even those that are life threatening. Vitamin deficiency throws the body off its natural balance.

Just as vitamins are essential to our body, so does cannabis on its range of compounds, the cannabinoids are no less vital to the human body.
Our body has an endocannabinoid system that regulates the immune system, respiratory system, the brain and bones, and also influences the blood circulation.

Cannabinoids’ deficiency throws the human body off balance. Various medical studies (Ethan Russo) raise the theory that lack of cannabinoids may raise the prospects for inflammatory bowel diseases, fibromyalgia, migraine, multiple sclerosis, arthritis, cancer, and others. Many people are relieved of the symptoms they suffer from through the use of cannabis, in view of the fact that they simply supplement the deficiency in the endocannabinoid system by cannabis-derived cannabinoids.

Many states in the U.S. and other countries have already realized that it is possible to consume cannabis as a dietary supplement. The list of products that contain cannabis as a dietary supplement has been gaining momentum in recent years.

Now, a wide variety of different consumption products can be found, which integrate cannabis with other ingredients. Drinks, foods, candies, oils, soaps and more.
Cannabis seeds are a source of protein, contain many dietary fibers, are an excellent source of lecithin, which benefits the liver and develops the brain.

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