How To Use Cannabis Correctly


Cannabis oil:

Cannabis oil is intended for sub-lingual use (and not for swallowing); in this way, it is absorbed effectively in the mouth mucosa and routed immediately to your blood system, especially via the blood vessels massed under your tongue. Therefore, make sure you place the oil under your tongue and not drip it on your food and swallow – doing so will undermine the efficacy of the treatment.
Use of cannabis oil is very easy and if you adhere to some basic rules, treatment will prove effective with very little side-effects.

Dry your mouth and the area under your tongue. The less saliva there is in your cavity, the greater is the absorption. Gently shake the oil vial, shortly before use, in order to make sure that the substance texture is homogeneous and that each dose intake is also homogeneous. Drip the oil into a teaspoon first and then pour its content under your tongue. This is how you can avoid miscounting the required number of drops and can make sure that each dose is precise, as per the exact dosage determined and recommended for you. Wait about a minute before swallowing to ensure effective absorption. By so doing, the substance goes straight into the blood vessels, in contrast to absorption by direct swallowing. Then, to ensure effective absorption, wait at least 15 minutes before eating or drinking. After use, store the oil in a shaded, cool, and dry place.

When consuming oil, there is no need to vaporize or smoke the substance and so people who are not used to both smoking and vaporizing are spared the effects associated with these methods. Of course, the detrimental effects to one’s health are also avoided. It is also much easier to use a few drops than engage in the preliminary preparations required when using the floral parts of the plant.
While the effect is almost immediate when using cannabis inflorescence (whether by smoking or vaping), it takes longer to feel the oil effect. Its effect, however, is longer-lasting and can last from four to as much as six hours. You are advised to rest for about an hour after taking oil and avoid activities that require concentration or wakefulness, particularly driving. We recommend consuming oil in the presence of relatives or family members, especially during the first phase of consumption, until you are fully acquainted with the substance and its effects. We suggest that you start by using it gradually and in a controlled manner and increase the dosages for the most effective consumption level, only after you examine its effect on your body. If you do experience any side-effects, remember that the effect of the substance is temporary and passes within a few hours; therefore you need not panic. But always listen to your body and make sure you consume the oil consistently and at fixed hours.

With time, your body will get used to the substance and consequently, the risk of side-effects diminishes. One of the common side-effects is a decrease in sugar level and therefore we recommend that you keep a supply of sweets or citrus fruits on hand. If you experience significant side-effects consult a doctor or a qualified professional.

To alleviate side-effects, try and add foods that might mitigate the psychoactive impact of cannabis and might also neutralize its bitter aftertaste. Lemon or fresh citrus juice, a salad spiced with herbs, freshly ground black pepper and lemon, pasta in pesto sauce (fresh basil), or a cube of dark chocolate.

Smoking and Vaping:

With both methods, we recommended that you start use when you at home.
Hold the product in the right way – i.e. hold the cannabis product using your dominant hand.
Recommended method of inhaling: Press your lips gently to the tip of the inhaling mouth piece and breath in, gently, at a fixed strength, and for one to three seconds. Then remove the mouth piece from your lips and continue inhaling into your windpipe and lungs. It is highly recommended to inhale gently at a fixed measure of time; limit the inhalation time to two-three seconds.

Inhale in a relaxed manner; do it nice and slow. If you take big, strong and overly rapid draws, the cannabis will over-heat and you are likely to experience burning in your respiratory system and to start coughing. To alleviate the burning sensations that may emerge during smoking, we recommend drinking cool water or a cool soft and sweetened drink, during or after the inhalation; inhale lightly and draw the substance into your mouth cavity, and inhale slowly from your mouth into your lungs. Do it a few times until you master the smoking method.
A good rule of thumb: Maintain intervals of about 30 to 60 seconds between inhalations, according to the rate of inhalations recommended to you.
Exhaling – after the measured inhaling, exhale the cannabis smoke between your lips and breath out at a controlled pace and strength. If the exhaling is too fast, you may experience a sense of burning, coughing and may feel mucus accumulating in your throat. If you need to reuse the cannabis product, place it in a clean ashtray until it stops burning; Under no circumstances should you attempt to extinguish the cannabis by any agent, not even by water.

Smoking a joint:

This is the most popular way to consume cannabis but certainly not the healthiest since the joint’s filtering method (a simple carton filter) is not sufficient for absorbing the hazardous substances emitted from the burning inflorescence.
Speed of impact: from immediate, to five minutes after inhaling.
Duration of impact: Between half an hour to 3 hours, with the strongest impact achieved after one hour.
Pros: Ability to choose and control the cannabinoid level and the cannabinoids’ source.
Cons: Unfiltered smoking that may lead to inhaling of carcinogenic substances such as rolling paper residues and other substances.


Vaping is the accepted substitute to smoking. Vaping is carried out by heating the active ingredients (inflorescences or extractions) to their vaping but not their burning temperature. Vaping is far healthier than the burning method and its speed of impact is the same as that of smoking.
There is a considerable variety of vaporizers for all uses, from portable and compact ones to large, non-portable, home-use vaporizers, offering you all the vaping options you may require.
Speed of impact: from immediate, to five minutes after inhaling.
Duration of impact: will reach its peak during the first half an hour and will then gradually decrease during the next three hours.
Pros: Vaporizers are portable, attract no unwanted attention, are relatively easy to use and you get the full value from the process – vaping is one of the healthiest ways to consume cannabis effectively.


Smoking with a bong, which is a water-smoking pipe is healthier than smoking a joint, since the smoke undergoes filtering and cooling by water, so that less poisonous (and active) substances enter your throat and lungs.
Speed of impact: immediate; faster than a joint.
Duration of impact: Its relatively strong impact is short, between half an hour to an hour.
Pros: Offers quality water-filtering; producing smoke that is smoother and more agreeable to your throat although it may entail some adjustment on your part.
Cons: Has a negative image, requires regular cleaning and maintenance, breakable.


Usually made of materials such as glass, wood or hard plastic. Cannabis smoking, like ordinary tobacco smoking, is carried out by placing a small quantity of inflorescence in the designated “bulb” of the pipe, followed by lighting the substance and inhaling, which are done simultaneously. The material from which the pipe is made is important as it can affect the flow of the smoke and the after-use cleaning; in general, we do not recommend using pipes that are not made from tempered glass.
Speed of impact: from immediate, to five minutes after inhaling.
Duration of impact: strong impact during the first half an hour, decreasing during the next two hours.
Pros: small and light; adjustable to any situation and all conditions; does not require any additional accessories.
Cons: requires cleaning and maintenance; may be from a low-quality material that may fall into pieces or melt.


A blunt is a cannabis “cigar”, made by rolling crushed cannabis inflorescence inside tobacco or cannabis leaves; it is consumed in a manner similar to an ordinary joint, but carries more flavor and its smoke is greenish. Blunts can be found in different flavors.
Speed of impact: from immediate, to five minutes after inhaling.
Duration of impact: as in smoking joints, between half an hour to three hours, based on the number of inhalations.
Pros: a good substitute to tobacco for those who do not like to include it in the mixture; lasts longer when burning.
Cons: slightly difficult to roll; requires a larger quantity of cannabis; the flavor of the inflorescence is hardly noticeable.

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