Impactgene provide you with a personal genetic cannabis report that shows how your unique genetic makeup may best respond to strains and formulations + free membership.
- Results in 24 hours.
- Secure and personalized account.
- Secure online health portal.
- 64 different genetic Trait Reports .
- Exact THC : CBD Ratios.
- Precision cannabinoid ratios and terpene profile matching.
- Personalized Consumption alerts.
- Free membership for recommendations.
- Avoid addictions and reduce opioid consumption.
- Cannabinoid risks/benefits for your specific genotype.
- Products recommendations.
- Cannabinoid formulation suggestions.
- Automatic consumption updates at no cost and no time limit.
- Strain Recommendations.
- Consumption Warnings (Psychosis, Dependence, Edibles, Alcohol, Smoking).
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