
Category description

Sleep is a physiological, reversible and cyclical condition, which is characterized by an activity and response to stimuli at a less intense level than wakefulness. Genetics has a major role in the quality of sleep of every individual, in combination with the individual’s activity throughout the day. Sleep takes up close to a third of a person’s life and is vital for bodily and mental health.

Category recommendations

It seems that THC, in combination with CBD and different terpenes, can improve sleep. Researchers have come to the conclusion that CBD cannabinoid has therapeutic potential for treating insomnia oversleeping and THC can reduce the time of sleep and improve its quality.

Terpenes play quite a major role in the effects of cannabis, including its capacity to impact sleep. Studies have shown that terpenes can improve the effects of various cannabinoids, as well as directly influence the body in a number of ways. Terpenes are small and aromatic molecules in cannabis that provide its taste and smell.

Studies have shown that Indica strains are more effective in improving sleep. Individuals who suffer from sleep disorders and consume cannabis of the Indica type, experience a number of improvements including a major decline in disturbances during sleep , reduced probability that their sleep pattern will be disrupted and that they’ll wake up in the early hours, as well as improved sleep quality, without impacting sleep duration.
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Genes: CRY1, PER3, CLOCK

Risk level: Medium

Based on your genetic data, you have a Slight risk of sleeping disorders.


moderate metabolic rate for cannabinoid THC - Be careful, listen to your body with THC doses. Consider not consuming THC over 1-2% or avoid consuming it all together.

light risk of cannabis dependency- Be careful, listen to your body with cannabis doses.


Since your risk for sleep disorders is Slight, you are advised to consume cannabis in food. The impact is felt after a longer period of time compared to smoking or vaping, but its effects are more potent and they sometimes induce longer and more satisfactory sleep. Cannabinoids such as THC and CBD cause drowsiness and help treat insomnia. Science shows that terpenes influence sleep and wakefulness. For example, Myrcene is a terpene with sedative effects. Myrcene maintains a synergistic interaction with THC by allowing the THC to be absorbed at a higher rate by CB receptors. It has also been found that the terpenes caryophyllene and linalool may induce sleep. It is known that the less fresh cannabis is, the more it induces sleep. When THC matures, it changes its existing compounds and transforms some of them to a cannabinoid known as CBN. This cannabinoid was found to have a stronger psychoactive effect and is therefore five times more sleep-inducing than THC.

Most sleep disorders are related to a lack of CBD. In these cases, you should add CBD throughout the day. The quality of your sleep will improve by consuming THC at night.

For falling a sleep faster – consume THC. THC cannabinoid has been proven highly effective for inducing sleep.
With its potent sedative qualities, it can help you fall asleep faster. For a longer sleep – consume CBD. Due to CBD activity in your brain, it’s an ideal solution if you want to enjoy a long sleep. CBD uniquely works with the body’s endocannabinoid system by helping you sleep longer.

Important, If there is a THC or CBD warning message – see recommendations.
You should consult a healthcare professional before making major changes in your lifestyle.

You should consult a healthcare professional before using THC Products.

We advise you to review the list of Drugs that interact with CBD before using CBD Products-
Click Here for More Information


Daily dose
580mg (0.58g)
Daily dose of THC
Daily dose of CBD
Daily dose of CBG
Daily dose of THC
Daily dose of CBD


Consume 100% Indica
Add high CBD for days.
The quality of your sleep will improve by consuming THC at night.
Click Here for More Information


Linalool– antidepressant and anti-anxiety, relaxant, anti-convulsions, inducing sleepiness.
Terpineol– contains anti oxidation properties, reduces depression and anxiety, induced sleep. Terpinolene was also found as a factor that increases fatigue and reduces anxieties.
Myrcene– Increases the THC effect. Anti-inflammatory, Muscle relaxant, sleep-inducing, pain reliever.
Beta caryophyllene– antidepressant and anti-anxiety, sedative. In combination with other cannabinoids (mainly CBD cannabidol) can be use as a safe and effective medication for strong chronic pain with minimal side effects.
Pinene– anti inflammatory, antibiotic, dilates bronchi.
Humulene– anti inflammatory, painkiller, anti-allergies.

Beta caryophyllene

Other cannabinoids

When THC matures, it changes its existing compounds and transforms some of them to a cannabinoid known as CBN. This cannabinoid was found to have a stronger psychoactive effect and is therefore five times more sleep-inducing than THC.


Recommended method of consumption

Sublingual oil

Consumption methods

The impact is felt after a longer period of time, but their effects are more potent and they sometimes provide longer and more satisfactory sleep.
Consume cannabis in smoking half an hour before bed, a quick effect on sleep.
Sublingual oil
The impact is felt after a longer period of time, but their effects are more potent and they sometimes provide longer and more satisfactory sleep.
Consume cannabis half an hour before bed, a quick effect on sleep.

How many times per day?

Once During the evening and another at night before bed.


How many grams per use?

See recommendations regarding how many grams you should take for each session during the day.

(290 mg)

Intake per use

See recommendations regarding number of drops, Inhalations or bites you should consume for each session during the day.
How to use cannabis correctly-
Click Here for More Information-

Bites- Of your choice
Smoking (Inhalations)
Sublingual oil (Drops)
Vaporizer (Inhalations)

General comments

Steps you can take for better sleep –
Reduce the noise in your immediate environment. Take a moment to assess your environment and listen to noises that may disrupt your sleep. Avoid consuming caffeine at least 4-6 hours before sleep, and set 30 minutes for daily physical exercise, five times a week. Experts recommend adopting a regular timetable for sleep. You can also consider consulting a healthcare professional.

This report does not diagnose any health conditions and does not provide medical counseling. You should consult a healthcare professional before making major changes in your lifestyle or if you have any other concerns about your results.

