Memory Ability- General- Short Term

Category description

Genetics plays a major role in the capacity of each individual to memorize data. Memory is the person’s ability to store information in the brain from the environment through the various senses. There are different types of memory. A neurotransmitter called acetylcholine, is known to be responsible for some memory types. Acetylcholine is the neurotransmitter that supervises memory and its function is to regulate and classify the information the brain receives into short and long -term memories. Memory problems may occur if there is too little or too much acetylcholine in the brain. We all have natural cannabinoid receptors in our brains, therefore CBD consumption, in combination with THC, can effectively help maintain regular acetylcholine levels.

Category recommendations

Cannabis and memory loss have a complex relationship, as certain cannabinoids and terpenes help long-term memory deficits while others have adverse effects on short-term memory. Our algorithm at IMPACTGENE is trying to balance these variants while also considering similar complexities regarding the effects that are related to cannabis by an age-related cognitive decline. The right cannabinoid compounds can prevent memory loss. Individuals who consume both alcohol and cannabis at the same time can aggravate the possible, adverse impact on memory. Pinene terpene was has been found effective for improving memory loss , while minute doses of THC in adults can improve memory.
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Genes: WWC1

Risk level: Low

Based on your genetic data, you have elevated memory functions.


moderate metabolic rate for cannabinoid THC - Be careful, listen to your body with THC doses. Consider not consuming THC over 1-2% or avoid consuming it all together.

light risk of cannabis dependency- Be careful, listen to your body with cannabis doses.


Since you have elevated memory functions, see consumption recommendations for the suitable type of cannabis consumption. You can experiment with a range of compounds or different strains of cannabis.

Important, If there is a THC or CBD warning message – see recommendations.
You should consult a healthcare professional before making major changes in your lifestyle.

You should consult a healthcare professional before using THC Products.

We advise you to review the list of Drugs that interact with CBD before using CBD Products-
Click Here for More Information


Daily dose
580mg (0.58g)
Daily dose of THC
Daily dose of CBD
Daily dose of CBG
Daily dose of THC
Daily dose of CBD


20% Indica+ 80% Sativa
Add indica high THC at night
Click Here for More Information


Pinene– have a role in improving memory loss. anti inflammatory, antibiotic, dilates bronchi (for those who with breathing difficulty).
Myrcene– Anti inflammatory, Muscle relaxant, sleep-inducing, pain reliever.
Beta caryophyllene– antidepressant and anti-anxiety, sedative.
Limonene– anti anxiety, regulates the digestive system, antibacterial (an effective treatment against gastric problems and contributes to weight loss).
Delta 3 Carene– anti inflammatory.

Delta 3 Carene
Beta caryophyllene

Recommended method of consumption

Sublingual oil

Consumption methods

The impact is felt after a longer period of time, but their effects are more potent.
Recommended- The effect is felt faster.
Sublingual oil
The impact is felt after a longer period of time, but their effects are more potent.
Recommended- The effect is felt faster.

How many times per day?

Use can begin in the morning and continue throughout the day.


How many grams per use?

See recommendations regarding how many grams you should take for each session during the day.

(190 mg)

Intake per use

See recommendations regarding number of drops, Inhalations or bites you should consume for each session during the day.
How to use cannabis correctly-
Click Here for More Information-

Bites- Of your choice
Smoking (Inhalations)
Sublingual oil (Drops)
Vaporizer (Inhalations)

General comments

Recommendations for improving memory-
Maintain a balanced lifestyle and reduce tension and stress. It is recommended to perform mental exercises. Performing regular physical activity and supplying the body with vital mental stimuli and physical substances are essential for the normal function of the brain and the nervous system. Maintain the right diet. Stimulate brain activity, learn a new language, or solve puzzles. Regular sleep of 7-8 hours per night can dramatically improve memory. Some foods were found to improve memory such as eggs, artichoke and pistachios. Vitamin B12 helps generate red blood cells, prevents fatigue and anemia and improves vital memory processes.

This report does not diagnose any health conditions and does not provide medical counseling. You should consult a healthcare professional before making major changes in your lifestyle or if you have any other concerns about your results.


Memory Ability